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Please add chording.


The lack of chording is the only thing keeping this game from being awesome.

(1 edit) (+1)

It does have chording, at least with right+left mouse click (also double click).  Is there a different control scheme you were expecting?  I'm always down to learn more about Minesweeper versions.

Ah. I'm used to the chording formula on, where you just click on a numbered solved cell and it opens all cells around it. Thank you!


I did 5 streak on Extreme mode! Can you make a slider for how likely the power ups are, instead of just on or off?


wow you're good!!  Every time I get a streak going on a large board, I lose focus and make a mistake without using Combo Token x)

I'm not planning on releasing an update for any of my games for quite awhile (unless they're completely broken somehow) since I have to focus on a couple other projects.  But I'll consider that one.


What does the fifth power up do?

(4 edits) (+1)

That one makes powerup tokens stick around 'til the next game if you win.  By default they get cleared.  I know, it's rather harsh especially considering the rarity of winning multiple games of minesweeper in a row.  I'm currently working on an update which will make it much cheaper since it's way overpriced.  

(Incidentally, I'm rebalancing and tweaking nearly all the powerups for the next update right now.  There will be approx. 10 instead of 7, have more variety, and will be generally more powerful for the price / cheaper.)


Just made the major update if you're interested!


This is great! 

thank you Rik and TY for playing too!


i like it!!!

glad to hear it :)